Hercules, the Greek god, had the strength, determination and grit to lift two stone pillars. He wanted it all, but his downfall was going in without a plan or knowing who he really was…. While your goal might not be to lift two tonnes, to achieve your financial goals, you still need a plan.
In a world of instant gratification, where Afterpay and UberEats are at our beck and call, implementing financial discipline is critical. Building up good financial habits and strengthening your financial saving skills is a process that takes time, but will help you make new habits that make you financially stronger than ever before.
How do you Magic your Money?
While everyone wants wealth, not everyone knows how to accumulate it. Like anything, there needs to be a process to go from zero to hero… Below, we have outlined 4 key steps to train, grow and excel.
Step 1: Sell your labour
Work and earn an income.
In Australia, the average age people start working is 15, and it’s from this small, often humbling start, that a career grows.
Starting small is a great way to learn essential skills and develop good habits that are the foundations for future success.
You can also consider getting a side hustle – run your own business, while earning a salary from your day job. Extra income is everything.
Step 2: Become a saver
If money could talk, what would it be saying to you? “Goodbye” as it heads out the door? Or “Hello, old friend?”
Once you have income, it’s important to create habits that help you retain it. Whether you start setting aside $10, $50, or even $100 from each paycheck, your long-term savings will grow. Saving bit by bit is crucial for building financial security. It may seem challenging at first, but in the long run, it empowers you to take control of your future.
Step 3: Become an investor
When your cash reserves are strong, you can look to diversify your portfolio and spread your investments across various assets – whether it’s stocks, real estate or shares. Diversification can become a valuable exercise to help reduce financial risk and is best approached with the advice of a specialist.
Step 4: Accumulate wealth
Once the hard work is done, the final step is to let your wealth speak for itself. By saving and diversifying, you’ll be able to experience financial comfort, knowing that your money is working for you and ready for when you need it.
To Reach Your Destination, You Have To Make A Start
If you want to go from zero to hero but aren’t sure where to start, speak with our specialised Locumsgroup team today.